
Do you like Camilla? Just say YES or NO?

by  |  earlier

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I really hate her.




  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  2. From what I know No.

    I dunno if things would change if I met her.

    -Good Luck

    Keep Rockin\m/


  3. NO!

  4. Yes, I think i would like her if I ever met her. Have you ever met her?If not, why do you say you hate her?

  5. Yes.

  6. no,priness diana was better,but she is now dead!

  7. Why ask the question if you have already made up your mind and are not interested in answers that disagree with your opinion ?

  8. No, absolutely not...

  9. What i can say is She seems to make prince charles happy or so it seems.

    I can't say i like or dislike her.

    interesting question though


  10. Of course I do. She is a supportive wife and helps Prince Charles in fulfilling his duties.

  11. I am unable to say because I have never met her.

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