
Do you like Greece and if yes, why?

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I am greek and I am wondering about my coutry, if people like it or not (e.g. on tourism,it's economic system)etc




  1. I too am Greek and, apart from 4 years, I've lived here my whole life, in Athens and in villages in Thrace.

    There are things about our country that I love and other things that I simply hate. As I live here, I tend to notice the latter more often. But it's up to us to try and improve them, right?

    I love my country with its good and bad points.

  2. Of course.

    Greek people are friendly and welcoming and Greece is a beautiful country

    but i hate the public services...

  3. I like Greece.

    - Cradle of Western Civilization

    - Home of ancient science and philosophy

    - Unique culture

    - Great music (I just LOVE it)

    All of these credits go to Greece.

    And of course historic Greek-Armenian friendship is something special :))

  4. I like it. Reasons: Beautiful nature, rich history/architecture/culture (ancient Greece), nice food, AWESOME music, good weather... Actually, almost everything is perfect.

    What I don't like is the fact that people don't care about keeping their country clean as much as they should, and that sometimes they can be too religious and/or nationalist (no offence). Oh, and one more thing, that they don't take criticism too well... LOL :) If you say something that shows Greece and Greeks in the bad light, they usually get angry, even if that is true. I think they should learn to joke at their own expense sometimes as well.

  5. the first thing that is attractive about greece has to be the climate and lovely scenery but most important is the warm welcome you get from greek people.

        ive been to a few places and must say ive always had a warm welcome and the greeks are quite layed back and dont hassle you when you walk down the street or look in a shop window.

    ive been to turkey and they do exactly that and it drives you mad.

      so its the weather the nice islands and the greek warm welcome that i find attractive about greece.

      i havent found it particularly cheap maybe just a little bit less than here in the uk.

  6. no, very expensive

  7. for me it's the clean air.  i get so high when i arrive at venizelos airport,,,,maybe it's because of the high altitude lol

  8. i am Greek who is traveling in the USA for a couple a month and there is one month left. you cannot even imagine how much i miss Greek. only by being away from what you really like can actually appreciate it and deeply feel what you are the specific characteristics you like in that.

    no matter how everyday may seen/ sound to some people, i like Greece for her sun, her unique beaches, her people's Mediterranean temperament, her culture and "politismos", her tradition and 5000 years of continuous history in her today position, her ancient writers and "servants"(Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, Thucydides, Homer, Socrates, Protagoras), her slower peace of life even though a EU member and a western (not westernized) country. the weather is sunny and pretty hot but with rather low humidity levels. there, you can eat fresh fish and enjoy the company of your friends in a huge variety of places, from trips in the nature to visiting cultural happenings (theater and so on so forth). the biodiversity, especially of plants, is also very big, since there are many species, both animals and plants, that are endemic in Greece and especially in some high mountains and islands. the Greek language is also unique since it is the oldest real alphabet ever and the oldest alphabet still in use. it is really melodic and has a short of "internal peace". in Greek you can find any word you want which will comprise any meaning you want- probably with a little help from ancient Greek which most Greeks easily understand. i also like Greece for her one in the world spiritual tradition as shown by the monastic peninsula of Athos, an avaton to women.

    on the whole, i like Greece because she is my country and i am her heir at law. the first time i actually understood why i liked Greece is when my great-grandmother was telling me stories about how they actually managed to survive and save Greece and especially their tremendous loses while they were trying to do so. i believe that someone can like a country only if he has experiences in that country and mainly living in that country because if he does not he will probably not be able to appreciate its beauty and special characteristics.

    the most logical and expecting thing is to think highly and loving the country from which you originate.

  9. I love Greece, and especially all the cute Greek boys.. lol :)

  10. I love the history of both Macedon and the city states but I'm not to fond of their government since 1913

  11. Greece has lot f tourism attractions, resorts on the islands and the main land. Lot of water recreation and great food cusine.

  12. i love Greece!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am Greek and i love going there

    the lifestyle is so much more easy going and care free

    and don't get me started on the views

    the night life is amazing too

    i can't see why anyone wouldn't like it there

  13. Hi, I'm from Republic of Macedonia and No, I don't like Greece as a country and you know why.

    BTW I don't have anything against Greek people.

  14. Every day life isn't that easy anymore. Greece is my country, it's beautiful and I love it. Yia sou Ellina!!!!

  15. I love Greece because any time I am there I feel alive.

    I love Greece because people are welcoming and loud and friendly and hospitable

    I love Greece because its the land of my ancestors, the land we fought and still fight to keep our own.

    Lastly I love Greece because every little celebration and party becomes a big deal,maybe because there are so many relatives to share it with.

    When you live in Greece is no big deal living there and everyday issues become big thing, but once you move away it is a big deal to come back home even for a brief visit, even for summer vacation

  16. FYSIKA!Ellada gia panta@!

  17. i like greece but its not about their tourism or economy you can always see friendly and cheerful faces around they know what having a good time is and have more than that i cant explain

  18. Although things are changing to the worse in every field ( tourism, economy e.t.c. ), I'm not sure if I could live in another country. Well, perhaps I could, but I'm sure I would really miss everything. Even the things that today make me feel that I live in a third world country. I think we have a different way of seeing things. And this reflects to the way we live. What I like the best? When we get together with friends, at someone's home or a cafeteria or a tavern or thebouzoukia.....anywhere, and between laughs and fun we always talk about anything. That's the best psychoanalysis one can ever have.A few meetings like this during the week and I feel a brand new person.

    As for the rest, the economy sucks, we will finally get our pensions while we are in our graves, we go to the hospital for a broken leg and two days later we are still there, the "ktimatologio" will still be a major issue 30 years later from now, tourism is getting worse every year ( the tourists too, they used to be nicer!!),  e.t.c.  Thank God we can still look around and find a nice place to go and recharge batteries.

  19. I cannot deny that I love Greece, because (simply) it's my country :D

    but I really don't like the governments in Greece.... politicians here care only about how to make money and not how to help their citizens.... also, I dislike Greek people, when they don't care about what's happening in the world, in the environment ....

    I everyday watch fathers "teaching" their children how to throw rubbish out of the baskets and the "disadvantages" of recycling...

    But, I can't live withough the great Sun of Greece, withought the philoxeny of Greeks is the best... Love Greece, but heate it's system :(

  20. Well, I left. I plan on going back some day. I left because I had a stroke, and the welfare system is atrocious. Still love Greece, though. Not sure why.

  21. I love it but i'm not the right to answer 'cause i'm greek and proud of it...

    i love the sun :)

  22. Im not Greek, But I love Greece, People, food, scenery,and above all , the life style, you people seem to really know how to live. I also love the fact that Athens had to work twice as hard to get ready for the olympics because every time they put a shouvle in the ground they found a piece of history,And instead of destroying it in the name of time and money,Greece chose to preserve all those wonderful things ,and replan from scratch.   Ofcourse I am just a tourist, but I always feel welcome in your country(thanks  for that). I have learned alot during my travels to Greece,and thank God I get to come   back   in 36 days :)  Cheers from Florida

  23. Yes, I like Greece, being a Greek myself. I especially like the natural diversity, its history, the cycladic culture and architecture, the food, traditional music and dances and generally anything that has to do with greek environment, art and tradition.

    I don't like, however, the fact that most of our cities are in an awful condition, with no architecture and serious lack of green areas, our lack of respect for the environment, the corruption that dominates our system, the common "χύμα" and "what do I care?" attitude for many serious issues among Greek people, the fact we stick too much to our ancestors' achievements and we don't care about the present etc.

    Even though I love my country, I wouldn't like to live here... I simply can't stand living in Athens anymore. Anyway, I hope what I said covered your question...

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