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by Guest59488  |  earlier

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Do you think it deserves its 1# rating? What do you think of it? I just looked at it for the first time, is the 1# rating fake or real?




  1. I've known about for a number of years now.  That #1 idea is something it incorporated into its name.  It's not a true rating.

    I prefer myself.

  2. No, I like real school.

    Public education was good enough for me, it's good enough for my kids.

  3. i'd rather go to public school! my cousin was homeschooled and has poor social skills

  4. I doubt it should be number one. Mainly because of all the retarded ads on the page. It's very organized, however, I can't find anything I'd want to use worth anything.

    However, may I ask why your child should be homeschooled, in your view? I'm defiantly not against you, my best friend was.

  5. I don't know how it got the #1 in its name, but it looks like a good, comprehensive site, and I especially like the "New to Homeschooling" section with the FAQ's. The educational fieldtrip collection organized by geography is a brilliant addition, as well. How I wish I had had something like that when I was homeschooling in the Dark Ages of the early 90's, pre-internet!.

    In case you wonder if kids survive homeschooling, I can tell you that they do, and they thrive as well. Mine were all three National Merit scholars, and graduated from respectable universities in engineering and chemistry. They are happily married and have terrific friends.

  6. it deserves#1

  7. I think it deserves #1 rating.

  8. Look into it some more.

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