
Do you like IM or messages from users?

by  |  earlier

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Assalaam O Alaikum




  1. h**l yes! its always fun to answer some one you don't know :)

  2. ummm.............both could work

  3. I don't mind them if they're polite or from the friends I've made on here.  

  4. i love them both :)

    even if its saying hey whats up :)

    i love them lol

  5. Walaykum Asalam, I prefer messages unless its someone I'm closer too, then im would be fine.

  6. It's ok as long as we can teach each other more about Islam. Walaikum Salam

  7. i like IMs from ppl i know..but if i don't know them,then i'd like messages on y!a

  8. I don't use IM at all actually.  It's just not my thing.

  9. i never get ims or messages from anyone. :|

    well maybe a couple of times

  10. erm.. any :|

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