
Do you like Italy?

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Hi!! I'am an Italian boy, I want to know abuot your opinion about Italy...I don't like it very much, there are lots of problem...but a tourist think Italy was wonderful because it has lots of beautiful builnding, a good food and wine, and wonderful place, is this your opinion? Thank you very much!




  1. la politica italiana fa schifo, la società pure, la gente è anche peggio...

    ma nessuno ci potrà mai togliere la nostra cultura, e anche se molti italiani sono ignoranti -perchè molti lo sono-

    abbiamo scritto la storia, non sempre in senso positivo...

    i love italy, it's wonderful to spend holidays there...but it lives here it isn't funny...

  2. I only got to visit for a short time, about 10 days, but I loved it very much. It's so beautiful and green, and the history there is just amazing! I only had enough time to travel through rome and venice, but I really want to go back to see more. Maybe that's just me, I love to travel, but Italy was one of the best places I've ever been!

  3. I love visiting, i think all Countries have problems, I live in the US, need I say more.

  4. si mi piace l'italia!! anke se ci sono alcuni problemi come dici tu non mancano di certo le città d'arte o le spiagge e altri luoghi interessanti!!

  5. ahahah!

    well I visited there when I was... umm 9 or 10.

    and I liked it but the food wasn't as good as I expected. I am 3/4 Italian and it was really interesting.

    I could have stayed there for a little longer personally.

    the only thing that I had a problem with was that when I was on a bus.. a guy was like... doing something really bad infront of me.


    but it is alright :)

    your english is really good by the way .:)



    (not sure how accurate it is)

    Ahahah! Bene ho visitato lí quando ero... l'umm 9 o 10. E l'ho amato ma il cibo non era buono come mi sono aspettato. Sono 3/4 italiano ed interessava realmente. Sarei potuto stare lí per un piccolo più lungo personalmente. La sola cosa che ho avuta un problema con era che quando ero su un autobus.. un individuo era come... qualcosa facendo l'infront realmente cattivo di me. l'hahahha ma sta bene i suoi inglesi è realmente buoni dalla maniera

  6. It is great for tourists!  It has all the features you mentioned, nd more.  The people are very warm.  If someone had to pick just one country in Europe to visit, Italy would be a good choice, because it has so much to see, and so much to interest anybody who is keen on history and art.

    I believe that it is quite another thing to live there.  All countries have their problems these days.  Politicians often are corrupt and the cost of living is high.


  8. Great food, wine, climate, beaches, people, and highways.  The police are a real pain.

  9. Italy is beautiful, been all over it from Lago di Garda thru all the big towns down to Sicily.

    It has some of the most exceptional and best hotels in the world and the food is way better than in the U.S.A.

  10. Yes, besides from my ancestry which is Italian I love Italy- although as a tourist I know it's a much different experience then as a native.

  11. Yes, at least in America. I always thought that Italy was one of those places that everyone wanted to see at least once before they died.


  13. I love italy! My favorite places are Venice and Florence. The scenary is amazing, there's always people around, shops are great, and the art is incredible.

    I think takes someone who doesn't live there, to really appreciate how wonderful it is.

  14. never been but i have family over there
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