
Do you like Japanese food?

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Do you like Japanese food?





  2. yeaaaaa sushiii

  3. I loooooooooove sushi.

  4. No. Prefer Chinese.

  5. Depends on what you mean by "Japanese food". Most people seem to think of sushi, which is something I don't care to eat; I refuse to eat raw meat in any form, and I don't like smoked food too much either. Once in a while I eat some vegetarian sushi, but I don't think it's worth it at all.

    Now, if you're taking bento, that's what I love! I also want to try tempura; that sounds appealing to me.

    Japanese candy tends to be strange, and their snacks seem to revolve around fish or sesame or both.

    In terms of Asian cuisine overall, I greatly prefer Vietnamese, which is much more common in my area. And Americanized Chinese is always great.

  6. Sushi is actually fish kobi steaks cooked well done with Saki

  7. yes as long as it's hamburgers and pizza

  8. I like most of Japaneese sea food and their soy sauces and soups. But I do not like sushi, I can't understand why is everyone so crazy about sushi?

  9. Haven't had authentic japanese food, but american-japanese food is good.

  10. I like some japanese foods but not all, i prefer a variety of many different things though.

  11. yes. i love it. i have never eaten any japanese cuisine that  i didn't like. haven't been to japan, but i plan to go, and eat a lot.

  12. The short answer is 'yes'. I'm open to all cuisines. However I hadn't eaten Japanese for a long time until I had a noodle soup for lunch today. I'm still not sure how it's supposed to be eaten! Large spoon only or large spoon helped by chopsticks?

  13. yes love udo noodles with veg yummy

  14. japanese is awsome, especially miso soup and sushi

  15. I love Sushi if that counts

  16. No i don't, what is so appealing about raw fish

  17. NO

  18. dont know never tryied it

  19. I like some Japanese food but I don't like raw fish innards, (guts).

  20. I like Japanese food,  but I won't eat uncooked fish.

  21. Japanese food is the best food in the world.

  22. Yes!!

  23. yes

  24. Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo: best breakfast I ever had.

  25. Since my mom's Japanese, YES, I LOVE IT!!

  26. It's a little bland for my taste but the presentation is amazing. It's definitely an artform.

  27. YES! I don't know why but I just love it. Recently, I try to eat sashimi and I'm beginning to love it right now and since in San Francisco, the fish is really fresh and the sushi is wonderful. Besides that I also love the pickles like ginger pickles, plum pickles, etc. I also love the noodles like udon, ramen, etc. I don't know why because Japanese food has a very different taste compared to my ethnic food which is usually very spicy and hot. Japanese food has a subtle and soft flavour but still, I love it!

  28. Some yes. I like beef teriyaki and I have a set of Japanese chopsticks too.

  29. yes its very nice

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