
Do you like John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin?

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At first, I was like, why would he pick a woman as his vice president, but then someone explained her standpoints, and then I liked the pick.

I am not being sexist




  1. Yes, I like it. My liberal friend texted me yesterday and said this choice will cause him to switch his vote to McCain.  I think it is a new face, exactly the type of person Obama says we need to get a change in Washington/

  2. Yes I do. She has so much real life experience that I can identify with her. I cannot identify with Joe Biden.

    Besides she actually done some change instead of just talking about it.

  3. McCain's desperate attempt to try to get more women supporters.

  4. In response to Jim Undecided, she has more political experience then Obama/Biden combined.

    Good Luck

  5. I certainly do! It has already tempted one Hillary supporter away from the fold. ("it seems like she has changed a lot of diapers in her life."  i.e. she's really one of us!)

    And even Hillary Clinton, who had to reject her policies, has still had the gonads to congratulate her on being chosen.

    As per experience, she has way more executive experience than Barry & Joe combined!

    And when it comes to having the right positions on the issues, it's made those of us in the base excited about John McCain again.

    Sarah Palin is a home-run!  Great pick!

  6. I like her.

    If she can help McCain get elected and then do nothing but make moose soup in the White House at least she will have kept Obama out of the White House.

    I like her ideals, I like that she is a reformer, and I like that she has faith in American people.  I don't see that from the alleged candidate of change.

  7. I am not being sexist, but the lady has absolutely nothing for experience or education relevant to the position. being the mayor of a small town and the governor of an iceberg does not qualify one to run a country.

  8. Haha noo he picked simply becuase she is a woman but its obvoius she has no qualifications to be a v.p

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