
Do you like Jumpin' Jennibeans Preschool for my daycare name?

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My question resolved when I left feedback to an answer. I am new at this and didn't know it makes the question looked closed and resolved. Do you have any other suggestions? Smarty Pants, Munchkin Land or Munchkin Patch!?!

By the way, my name is Jennifer.

Thanks....I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone taking the time to respond!:)




  1. Jenny's Jumping Beans

    Jenny's Preschool

    Jenny's Funday School  I think you should get your name up front as people will shorten it to Jenny's.

    I had a home day care for 10 years and worked in several preschools.  I'm a nurse now.   Good luck with your school, I had fun with my little ones.

  2. Jumpin' Jennibeans is just perfect. It's cute, energetic and fun. Really like the name

  3. No, doesn't sound catchy.

    I would go with something like Ann's ABC's.

    You will want something that will come first, alphabetically, when you advertise.  

    ABC's and 123's is another suggestion.

  4. what about jenny's munchkin land?

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