
Do you like Kim Chee?

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I do I think it tastes good. I also think the red chilli paste with the bee bim bab is good to




  1. I don't mind eating it but I don't have craving for it like some people who have to have kim chee fix once in a while.

  2. i freakin' love kim chee!  i always have and always will!  my favorite is kohala kim chee (one made in hawaii) it has the hawaiian chili pepper in it and it's like perfect with a bowl of poi.  korean kim chee is delicious too!  i like spicy!  gosh, i wish i had some right now.

  3. I like it.  I love the spiciness.  I don't eat it often because it can make your breathe stink for days.

  4. I think Kim chee is great with any meal that is oily ....

    the sour and chili really wakes up your senses... great to a start of a meal..

  5. I love it!! I can eat it everyday.

  6. I love it and as of now am in France and though of Indian origin, whenever the craving for spicyness overtakes me...I eat KimChee!


  7. i like.

  8. It's fantastic. I love it with other dishes...or all by itself. I prefer it cold's somehow better that way.

  9. I like it ,and never thought I would untill I met a Korean lady who let me taste it and I liked it so now I buy my own :)

  10. Yes, and it's so easy to make.

  11. Kim Chee is not bad, but I like her sister Hu Chee a lot better.
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