
Do you like Lil Wayne'?

by Guest32558  |  earlier

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I do not like lil wayne'. Every song he makes is annoying, aside from a few songs. He put a tear drop under his eye and I don't think he ever killed anyone. Lil Wayne' is also smart though because he knows that any song he can make people will like. He can do what ever he wants and people will still think he is the ****. I am not hatting on Lil Wayne' but i just think that he needs to change.




  1. yeah hes alright. i only like a few of his songs though.

  2. Yes, I do.

    "We are not the same, I am a Martian."


  3. Out of all the rappers, he is my least favorite. I can't stand to listen to his songs, but I promised my lil' cousin that I would go to one on his concerts with her because she loves him.  

  4. serious i feel you!!! that fool is straight up annoying, i dont know why people love him sooo much!

  5. yea...sumtimes i do think ppl can go overboard n i don't think they should "worship" him...but the only reason i like his songs is because in some of them his lyrics r the main key..what i like abt them is that they put real life situations into funny ways on explaining & dealing with them SUMTIMES...not EVERY song but yah..

  6. some songs r ok others are c**p

  7. Personally I think hes okay because hes always featured  and we don'tt hear alot of him, but I'd say Birdman is alot better...

  8. Yeah his CD is the ****!!

  9. if ur not hating then i am...hes disgusting, his voice is horride, its this raspy nosie that seems impossile to make out anything hes saying..all  he as to do is sing...u know what i take back sing, casue he really isnt singing or rapping...anything and people will like it...why do people think hes hot?? Hes not that good looking his music is REPULSIVE....i suggest a change for him too...for him to..SHUT UP...

  10. i dnt like lil wayne

    i love lil wayne

    he's music is hot if you take the time out and listen to his lyrics or find he's lyrics there good and some teach a lesson like dr. carter some r bad

    if you do what i just told you and still dnt get then you dnt like lil wayne

  11. rap is actually dien...but hes got lik 2 ok songs

  12. Omg i love lil wayne his voice is so kool, and hes has awesome i dont want him to change, i totally disagree with you

  13. i dont really like him,

    but i love his songs,

    such as

    " A Mille"

    & "Lollipop"

  14. i don't really like him either.  rap is played out to me!  even some of the rappers have changed their tunes!

  15. I like lil wayne a lot. I cant believe you dont like him. I love his music.

  16. I love him.

  17. I like "I'm me " by lil Wayne' and that's it.    

  18. Torn hes not as good as Jay-Z , Nas, or even Eminem. Declares himself best rapper alive. I have love/hate feelings towards him. Some of his songs are really good but other times they lack big time. He wont go down as one of the greatest ever. I dont like him or hate him.

  19. no i don't like him at all

  20. no he scares me he looks weird like a crazy person

  21. No, I do not like him.

    I don't hate him because he seems like someone I would not mind being friends with, but I do not like his music.

  22. No.

  23. I don't like rap.

  24. Not at all i really dont like any rap

  25. No!

  26. Not really, I don't listen to his music.

  27. simple answer! i dont like him but i dont hate him. u dont like him then dont listen to him lol

  28. i dont like him

  29. HEY =]

    i USED T0 L0000VE LiL WAYNE ! L0L


  30. I LUV Lil Wayne, but the rapper thing were they say how hot they are and

    some wrong stuff, can get annoying . Lil Wayne doesn't always do that. Lil Wayne to me is the best rapper ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He should do another song with Chris Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

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