
Do you like Mamma Mia: The Movie or not? What do you think of it?

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Do you like Mamma Mia: The Movie or not? What do you think of it?




  1. I was falling asleep during a couple of parts, I thought Hairspray was way better.

  2. I LOVED it! It made me laugh and made me cry,but much more laughing than crying.It was fun and the music was wonderful.I would see it again and I will buy the dvd when it comes out.

  3. I thought it was great. Yes, it was verrry cheesy but it was good fun!!

  4. I haven't seen it but i refuse to after they ruined ABBA's music and have a stupid cast "singing" it.

    Beside from that the plot is also very stupid, a woman that sleeps around and the poor daughter is trying to find her father thanks to her mother's stupid actions? You don't need to go to a movie to see that.

  5. I liked it

    it is a good film

  6. Yeah I love it, it's great

  7. I absolutely hated it!! I went to see it under protest and I swear, it's the closest I've ever come to walking out of a film.  It's the most ridiculous excuse for a movie I've seen in a long time.  I actually like a lot of Abba's music but this film was just tired parody of a musical.  To make it worse, the whole time I was stuck there, grinding my teeth at the pointlessness of the film - I could hear little bits of The Dark Knight coming from the screen next door & I was wishing I was watching that movie instead.

  8. I loved Mamma Mia.  It was fun.  That's it.  People whine and groan because the plot is ridiculous/needlessly complicated/ bad.  But the movie is fun.  Shouldn't entertainment be entertaining?  It wasn't a masterpiece.  The camera work and editing was downright sloppy.  But the performances and music was a blast.

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