
Do you like Mark Martin?

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How do you feel about Mark Martin?

and how long have you liked/disliked him?

He really used to be my least favorite driver while at Roush, not sure why, guess it was because he was so good and consistent. But now that he's gone and still able to do good on a limited schedule I actually am kinda pulling for him to get a win before he fully retires. He's still got game I know that. What do you think?




  1. I like ol Mark. Hes always been a very respectable person in my opinion. As far as the retiring and coming back thing goes, i don't hold that against him. i mean how many times did Michael Jordan retire and come, everyone still loves him the same!!!

  2. Mark Martin is a complete sell out. He owns Ford Dealerships and drives Chevrolets. Announced his retirement only to keep driving.

    Sell out!

  3. why?  did he ask about me?  he didn't call me back last time, so why should i trust him now?  ;-)

    i have grown to like him, and am pulling for him to get another win so he can retire from cup and go back to kicking @$$ in the truck series.

  4. Mark Martin is a very good guy!! I love that he puts his family first before racing!! that just says a lot about a person!! Yea i hope he gets a win before it all said and done!!

  5. Mark Replaced David Pearson and Bill Elliott as my favorite

    driver... back in the late 80's !!! When Mark drove for Roush..

  6. well he's my fathers favorite driver and i kinda liked him before i found Mr.Studmuffin soo yeah i like him :)

    i have kinda liked him for 5 years 2003/2008

  7. I've always liked Mark Martin.  As a matter of fact I've become a bigger fan since he joined DEI.  I can't wait for him to win a race in the old #8 car.

  8. I have never liked him.  I can't stand his sappiness.  It just irritates me!

  9. I like Mark, I'm not really sure how long I've liked him but I've never disliked him ever and I think he's a good guy and driver and I agree with you I'd like to see him win before he retires!! I'll miss him when he does retire!!

  10. i think hes a good man but going to DEI was a huge mistake  you see when he runs the Nation wide race like at vegas he won

  11. I of the most respected men in NASCAR. I like him for his strong, kind-hearted, and overall fair persona. You just don't got a lot of Mark Martins in the world of racing these days. He was in it for his true love and passion for racing, while others, (not naming any names) see the sport and nothing more sponge to suck up as much fame and glory as possible.

  12. My first impression of him was not a good one. It was the first race I ever watched, and he was wrecked. In his post crash interview he said that most of the drivers out there shouldn't be racing let alone have driver's licenses....It really turned me off. But, over the years I realized that anger and frustration play a huge roll, and him acting like that is a very rare occurrence. In fact, it's pretty rare to see him without a smile on his face.

    Even though he is older, he definitely has some racing left in him. He is not a washed up "has been" by any stretch of the imagination.

  13. I think mark is awesome, i even sent in an autograph request to him once through a website (no luck though). I really hope he can get one more win, i also really wish he wouldve won the 49th daytona, i think he'll be in victory lane one more time.

  14. Ever since I seriously starting watching NASCAR. I used to watch for like 30 minutes & then fall asleep or forget about it & would go & do other things. At my grandparents house it was always on NASCAR, but I never paid it any attention. Then I started seriously watching when I was about 15.

    So, I've liked Mark Martin for about 11 years. Rusty Wallace was my all time favorite but I liked Mark too, still do. I would choose him as my all time favorite now that Rusty has retired but I know it is only a matter of time before Mark fully retires & then I would have to go through this again. So. I am leaning toward another driver.

  15. I like him and his driving style but I lost a lot of respect when he made his final season the first of many more and decided not to retire when he said he was and made a big deal out of it.

    Add: "Stiffy", hahahaha. Good one Dave.

  16. He's a good driver and a nice guy.  I'm with you, I'd like to see him get another win before retirement.

  17. Mark Martin is a veteran that has been a favorite for a while! You just can't not like good ole' stiffy!

  18. Yeah he's good little man.  I just wish that once in awhile when he wrecks someone he would surprise me and get out of the car and say that someone deserved it.  I mean he's the only guy that could wreck 10 cars, say he's sorry and everyone is ok with it.  Kinda weird but hey he's cool.  I would have liked to have a jack n coke with the guy during his drunk days.

  19. Kind of hard not to like the guy, he is one of those genuinely nice individuals.

  20. I like Mark.  Always have.  He was my favorite while he was with Roush.  I was disappointed when he went to Chevy, but he's a hard person not to like.

  21. I've always liked the guy.  Too bad he didn't get the Cup Championship before he went to part time.  Always a bridesmaid, never a bride?  2nd place 3 times in the Chase.  Wouldn't it be something to see him get there on a limited schedule?  He's still got what it takes to be a contender.

    go Jr.>>>>

  22. NO

  23. He's a decent driver and he has been since his first win.

  24. What's not to like? I'd like to see him get another win before he retires.

  25. Im not a huge fan of nascar. But i know someone who's OBSESSED with him. She'll flip out on you if you say anything bad about him.

  26. Ive liked "Stiffy" since Ive been watching Nascar. He kinda stole Rusty's thunder when he retired by saying he was gonna retire that same year then not retiring. Thats the only thing he has ever done that I didnt like besides going to DEI.

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