
Do you like Max Killian as a name?

by Guest66869  |  earlier

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Do you like Max Killian as a name?




  1. Max ok but killian is not.

  2. I love it. It is unique and has lots of potential.

    Go for it and congradulations  

  3. Taylor Rae,

  4. no..i dont like the name at all. its not a name that i would choose for my kid.

  5. Love it! Wow, this is two in a row I like, something weird is going on an the baby names section.

  6. Yeah it sounds good.

  7. Max is alright.

    Killian will get teased!

    KILL is in his middle name!

    Why not Maxwell Kyle??

    xox- Julie

  8. It sounds like "Max Killin..."

    How about Max Kyle or Max Kaden?

  9. if killian is the middle name yes

    if killian is the last name then i would prefer a middle name be added then it would be fine,good luck!

  10. Its ok

    but i like Max Kaydon better

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