
Do you like McCain's Vice President pick?

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Sarah Palin is her name.




  1. no she is way to conservative for me and I heard she is a climate change skeptic did'nt Mccain say that climate change is one of the most important issues of our time.  

  2. Palin who? 80% of Americans never heard this name before today?

    Obama/Biden 08'

    I don't think John McCain's little VP trick is causing Obama/Biden to lose any sleep. McCain knew he had to go to drastic measures to become elected. He's going for the female vote and hopefully some of Hillary's supporters. Obama/Biden have gotten much attention in this week alone, 38 million viewers watched his acceptance speech, which is more than the Oscars, Other acceptance speeches given from previous presidents alone. I don't think they are hurting for any attention.

    3 generations of my family will vote together for the first time, we have no choice. We need change! All of us with our voter cards in hand, anxiously awaiting that day to rock the vote!

    This is not even going to be will actually be very funny!

    If you consider yourself good at predictability, you know the outcome. For everyone else, watch and learn!

  3. Yes it's better than Biden Obama is a idiot.  

  4. Heck yeah.

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