
Do you like Michelle Wei? Is she a whiner?

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great answers. thanks! keep them coming




  1. I watched her interview after she was DQ'ed from State Farm.  How old is she?  I could've sworn just by watching that interview and the say she spoke that she was 15 instead of 18.  I mean kid, grow up and learn how to speak on TV.  And stick to LPGA tour already.  Why insists on getting your butt handed to you by the men, when you can't even beat the girls.

  2. Michelle Wie is an example of sports parents gone wrong; her parents practically prostituted her out by playing events all over the world on a litany of different tours; her ego was inflated by her enablers (parents, agents, sponsors) when they should have been telling her to work on her game and focus on smaller, incremental goals; if handled correctly (and that means telling her parents to back the bloody h**l off) she could be generational talent on the LPGA Tour.  

    When you're 15 and your mum and dad keep telling you that you're right and everyone else is wrong...they're doing you a huge disservice (in which you start to develop a false sense of entitlement); at some point, her parents should have been telling her "we love you, but on this point- you're wrong- go apologize and don't do this again" as appropriate.

    She handled the DQ over the weekend correctly.  She said she made a mistake, which might have been the most grownup thing she did.  From what I saw during her press conference, she said she made a mistake, and didn't try and blame anyone.  Good on her.  She is slowly starting to mature; hopefully her time at Stanford will let her be a young woman (and all that comes with it); and become a more rounded person (and a better golfer).

  3. She is overrated and has made decisions that were a slap to the sport of golf.  By playing in PGA events without even being dominant in Ladies golf she showed what a true jacka$$ she is.

    Men missed those tournaments so she could routinely embarrass herself then drop out of the tournaments.

    She will never amount to anything more than a freak show that never happened.  At the Wegmans Lpga event I was standing watching the practice green and as Wie approached a young girl asked her for her autograph she denied this little girl.  As she walked past me i told her that was too bad, The number 1 golfer in the Lpga found ample time to sign autographs.

    Wie is a self inflated EGO maniac who cant win an event. BOO HOO little whiner  BOO HOO

  4. Googie your BS just keeps on coming but do agree with the "dad" comment. I don't dislike Michelle but she was all hype and not ready for the bigtime. She will be a winner at some time but on the LPGA and not the PGA.

  5. Michelle Wie has had a difficult start to her professional golf career and may be doubting herself and her golfing talent  but understand how she got here. She was a 14 year old golfing female phenom whose parents dressed her up like a hooker, shoved her onto the world stage and said "dance b@tch" so she tried to dance. She's only 14 years old. She was a clueless kid and this was the guidance she was given. What do you think you would have done. Along comes Nike and shoves 10 million dollars into her dad's pocket and her dad says "dance faster b@tch", so she tries to dance faster. This was not a normal childhood and she got bad advice and when everyone abandoned her she was left to fend for herself. What you refer to as whining may be just a lack of confidence after all that has gone on and this past week she was DQ'd for not signing her scorecard. It seems to be one malfunction after another. I truly hope she gets straightened out. I think she will be a tremendous golfer and an asset to the LPGA.

  6. Michelle Wei is an overrated whining brat. She is a cry baby and a disgrace to the LPGA. Forget to sign your score card, drop out of tournaments, feign sickness, give me a break. HAHAHA and she thought she could play with the men! She needs to stay in school.

  7. well she has certainly not proven herself to be a winner. as to whining.....she is young yet and may mature.

  8. I don't think she is a whiner.  I think her career has been grossly mismanaged.  She qualified for some high level tournaments at a very young age and showed great potential.  Her parents pushed for the big bucks, and to get her to play in Men's PGA events.  This resulted eventually in her getting huge endorsement contracts from Nike and Sony, so I guess her parents are happy with the $$$.  But they never gave her a chance to develope her potential.  She should have stayed in amateur golf and learned to win those events, the junior Am, the Amateur (I think she did win one Girls Publinx).  Then move on to play college golf (and get free education) and then turn pro and cash in.  But instead they rushed it, she turned pro (can't play college golf anymore - therefore no scholarship), and she isn't even a member of any tour - can only play on exemptions until she wins something.  Poor kid's career has been a nightmare with the wrist injuries, penalties for bad drop in one event that got her DQd, now this week, not signing her card.  I mean COME ON - the reason you go into the scorer's tent is to check your scorecard and SIGN it once you know it is correct.  How can you leave the tent without signing?  How can the volunteers let you leave the tent without signing then chase after you when it's too late and have you come back in to sign?  It makes no sense.

    I feel bad for her - she had a great golf swing and it seems to me that greedy adults messed her all up.  I hope when she turns 21 and starts making her own decisions that she becomes sucessful and surrounds herself with people that will truely help her succeed.

  9. Every one  has a take on Michelle and unfortunately, all the blame should go on the Dad who promoted her long before she was ready. She never beat any women. She never out drove the  men. She dropped out of a tournament where she was headed to a score well over 88. She screwed up on at least 2 occasions with not signing  a score card and taking an illegal drop of a golf ball.The first is plain stupidity and the second can be a judgment call for which we will give her the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope she shows a better aptitude for academia.

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