
Do you like Oldies? What do you like and hate about them?

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i not relli hang out with oldies that much but when i do they gave me so much wise advice




  1. depending on characteristic of the oldies

  2. Oh... as in people. I thought songs. Well, the old guys, it depends. Some can be really annoying nags, ranting on and on and on. But on the other hand, they can be really wise and impart good advice

  3. just love them

  4. Yes, Kathy, I do give much wise advice, heheh.  Trust an oldie like me. :)

  5. I just realized you guys are discussing me - hoooo...!!!

    Older oldies like my Mom, they are fine except they tend to repeat what they say. My Mom does that, sometimes up to 5 times in 5 minutes, repeating the same sentence/subject. Come to think of it, she used to do that when younger too...

    And I've perfected the skill of 'tuning out'...!

  6. They giving u wise advice or just an advice? Oldies are all about giving advices.

    I respect them so much even in the situations that they are not supposed to be respected. It's courteous to respect the elders but they rarely respect us and our point of view whereby always showing that they are superior.

    But salute to my parents. They are so kind to people of all ages.

  7. Love them... especially the sporting ones. Some may be old but they can be young at heart just like any of us...

  8. It's good that you respect your elders like that bald head up there..


  9. I like oldies cause I am one from your perspective, however if imperfection is beauty I am really really beautiful without being conceited... You my dear, on the other hand, shows that perfection can be beauty too

  10. botak and no hair... hahaha...

    pervert and manja...

  11. just THE BEATLES. their song I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND is cool but it's so oldd...

  12. like and hate both,they will give many advise and tell you many story that they did before,i like that but when they talk for 2 hour non stop,that why i hate them

  13. Yacks!! I hate your question but I cannot stop my fingers from clicking and typing..

    I love oldies but when people comes to know that I love oldies, they will know my age group... ARRRGGGG


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