
Do you like PATD better before "Pretty Odd" or now?

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I like them now, but i think i liked them better before "Pretty Odd".

I think the feeling of the songs feel different. "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" doesn't feel or sound the same as "Pretty Odd".

I think "Pretty Odd" is a little too cheery.

Well what do you think?

And please if you don't listen to the band, then don't post rude comments.




  1. I liked them before, and I like them now.  The albums certainly have different sounds, but I like them both, they are fun to listen to.

  2. I liked them way better before Pretty Odd when they were Panic! At The Disco now they just sound all popish and they kind of sold out.

  3. I think It's pretty odd that they are still in the music business, let alone ever started

  4. Before

  5. they were way better before my favorite was "i write sins not tradgedies" they just totally change theyre sound  

  6. I really liked A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. At first I HATED Pretty.Odd

    but I made myself like it. And now I kinda do. I LOVE Do You Know What I'm Seeing. LOL. Its retarded but its cool.

    A statement by the band said something like "We've grown up and we hope that our fans have to" yeah right.

    NEWS FLASH most of us haven't.  


  8. I liked them waaay better before. I hated Pretty Odd at first, but now it's kind of grown on me.. but still. I think they tried to hard to sound like music from the 70's. That's very good and all, but all their fans were enjoying their dancy pop-punk can't just completely change genres. But oh well. THey're doing what they like. The fact that they're lyrics have become happier are nice though, I thought. I'm not into really depressing music. I also hated that they were trying to sound like the beatles.

  9. i like them later

  10. A liked A Fever You Can't Sweat Out for a little but then I grew out of it and now I pretty much hate it.

    I think Pretty Odd is okay, it's better than the last one. But I still don't really like it.

    I lost all respect for the band after they changed Panic! At The Disco to Panic At The Disco, honestly.

  11. i liked both CDs equally...

  12. I like them better now, after i heard pretty odd. Who likes anti cheery music anyway?

  13. whats PATD? Is it a foreign police department?

  14. Honestly.

    I like AFYCSO better.

    But, they were seventeen and eighteen when they made it.

    And you can't expect a band to stay the same forever, think of it from their perspective.

    I didn't like Pretty. Odd. the first time I listened to the songs, but it grew on me, I love it now =)

    They are more mature therefore, their music is too =)

    I love Panic ;D

  15. i didnt like them before pretty odd, they were just a dumb emo band... pretty odd has some great tunes, and obviously influenced by the beatles...

    and i like 'cheery' music!!! who wouldnt?

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