
Do you like Pepsi or Coke?

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Alright, I want to know whether you like pepsi or coke and ALL the reasons why. Do NOT leave anything out. I want SPECIFIC things please. This would really be appreciated :P




  1. coke

  2. I like regular Pepsi and Diet Coke. Diet Pepsi does not taste good at all, just like carbonated water and regular Coke tastes too sweet - I like Pepsi's taste instead.

    Lately, I feel like they changed the taste of Diet Coke... I've been preferring Diet Coke Plus instead. Tastes so good, reminds me a bit of a scoop of ice cream in it!

  3. Pepsi- regular... I just like the taste better. It's not as rich as regular coke... and not as sweet. Plus, it makes me happy to drink it, because my mom used to skateboard for the Pepsi Skateboard team... so I prefer to drink it.

    Coke- Diet... I love diet coke more than regular. it just has a certain taste to it that I love... in the can, in the bottle, any size... I love it- besides reg. pepsi, it's basically all I drink. I'm one of those few people who actually prefers diet coke over regular.

    so my order goes:

    diet coke (love the taste)

    reg.pepsi (nice, more subtle taste than coke)

    diet pepsi (similar to diet coke... I just like the taste of diet drinks)

    reg. coke  (gross- it makes me feel sick. too rich, too heavy, too sweet. it makes me feel full... and it makes my skin break out)

  4. I like both...sometimes i like pepsi better, and some days i like coke better.  

  5. Pepsi!

    More syrupy

    grew up on it

    that's what my whole family drinks

    tastes like happy

  6. I like Pepsi... Much better taste that Coke. And because my Husband works for Pepsi, so THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DRINK IT.. it supports us! PEPSI ALL THE WAY!

  7. Coke.

    From cans, or bottles. Not from 2 liters.

    Pepsi is too sweet to me.

    My second favorite is grape soda of any brand, and then vernors (a michigan exclusive as far as i know)

  8. I like Coke better :D

    It has more of a distinct flavor and it doesn't seem so sweet.

    I also like the design on coke cans better (it actually matters to me) and I grew up drinking it :3

  9. Well I like both

    But Coke better.

    I don't really know why

    I just do.

    It tastes better .

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