
Do you like Russian people?

by Guest33100  |  earlier

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Just wondering.. I am Russian and i have recently been seeing a lot of questions about how Russia is a horrible country and the people there are terrible and stuff. What do you think about this?




  1. We have many Russian immigrants in Calif. I only know four personally.  They are very bossy and like garlic in almost everything.

  2. umm...Russian people rock! i would know, i am russian. lol. people who don't like russia or its people are just jealous (this is mostly American people)

    these people are also jealous of, and therefore dislike china.  

  3. russians are awsome people.  i love russians and im glad that i am russian. i have seen many dumb questions about how russia is a bad country, and such, but theyre dumb questions, because thats not true.

  4. Hey - some of my best friends are Russian. They're pretty cool (when they bring the vodka :P)

  5. I am Russian, and obviously do like my people, and my country. Ironically, I do not live there, but it was really my parents' choice to bring me to the U.S.

    The recent "anti-Russia" propaganda in the U.S. is an unfortunate event, yer if you have gone to Russia in the past 3-5 years you would notice a very similar "anti-U.S.A." propaganda there. Sad. The two countries are incomparable, and their politics have nothing to do with the people.

    As Tyutchve said, "Russia can neither be grasped by the mind, no measured by any common yardstick. Russia has its own statue - no attitude towards her but that of the blind faith is admissible".

    Умом Россию не понять,

    Аршином общим не измерить:

    У ней особенная стать —

    В Россию можно только верить.

  6. I do, I am russian, was born in Siberia.

    Some people say a lot of stupid things, like "ALLA the Russian women are b*****"..:S Chto za gluposti!

    In my opinion the most of Russian are clever and as in every country there are "terrible" too, not all are good neither bad.

    Live in Italy.

    Poka Julia!

  7. I have had the pleasure of knowing many Russians in my life, even at one point being engaged to one. I have found, anecdotally, that Russians are warm, decent people who love to laugh. They may be a bit more cynical or weary than your typical American, but for the most part we are very similar. In the end, on a personal level, people are people.  

  8. Most people saying that **** have never been to Russia, or even met an actual person of Russian decent. I wouldn't think too much about people saying anything.

  9. Keep your cool my dear.

    Russia is a wonderful country, which has been through a chain of ordeals since the Mongol invasion, right up to and including the recent "Marxist" experiment.

    It deserves success and all the luck it can gather.

    It has teething problems, but look at those of other European countries and take heart.

    How can the same people who produced Pushkin and Tolstoi and Tschiakovsky be considered "horrible"? Whoever says so has never been to Russia and never really tried to understand it's people.

    Chin up, Russia has lots of friends, but it takes time for society to mature and become what it should be.

  10. I do. :-) I study in Moscow as a foreigner (I'm from Slovakia).

  11. I have a friend who is Russia. He's friendly. =)

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