
Do you like Sarah Palin?

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Do you like Sarah Palin?




  1. She sounds like a a chalkboard learning to talk.

    sssssssix sssssssillly ssssseamen collect ssssseashellsss in sssseward.

  2. Yes.

    I like her a great deal because McSame's decision to take a nearly totally inexperienced person as VP pretty much assures that we will see President Obama in Nov.

  3. Love her! So far, anyway. BTW, right now you have 100% best answer!

  4. I love her. She hunts moose and baits her own

    hook. She's a life long NRA member. She is all that.

    Her hubby's name must be 'lucky'

  5. From what I see so far, I am impressed.  

  6. I'm indifferent to her personally. I'm sure her children have the best nannies money can buy.

    Cindy better watch out though, ol' John McPOW has a roving eye for the younger model.

  7. So far!  As an Indy, don't like the choice stance. BUT, she learned she was gonna have a baby with downs and still had it!  That speaks truth! Props to meaning what you say AND loving your child!  

  8. I don't know her personally..but I like what I've heard about her.

  9. I decide after I learn about her.


  10. More and More each minute.  For the love of God, she sold the state jet on eBay, it just doesn't get better than that!

    How does the title Madam President sound?

  11. From what I've reading and watching about her, I'm finding her very impressive.

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