
Do you like Wal-Mart or Target better?

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I like Target better cause they keep it nice and clean. Wal-Mart is gross




  1. I hate both, but I shop at Target.  

  2. Walmart!

    I hate Target, the design of the store confuses me, and I don't know where to find anything! Plus there CD selection sucks!

  3. both are cool but i definitely prefer target.. they have really cute stuff!!

  4. Both are almost alike.  I shop at Walmart and some are cleaner than Target.  They are great to shop,but not to work for as both are replacing full-time employees with part-time to reduce wages and benefits.

    mariaisabelescobar . vox . com and samsclub6625 . blog . com

  5. i like target cuz there isnt stuff lying all over the place or stuff in the middle of the isles. I also like target for the same reasons as you.  

  6. Neither.  They are cheap and for a reason...their products are not made to last!  Buy something more expensive than what they sell at those stores and the items will last a lifetime, not two weeks.

  7. I hate Walmart. Its not that its dirty or anything but i feel gross in there, like white trash.  

  8. Target is cleaner and the products are more brand name, they also have more registers open. walmart is only good for midnite shopping

  9. i like target 2

    cause their more store in my city

  10. Target seems to have better quality, a nicer ambience, and it is cleaner, whereas walmart though much cheaper, is much to crowded and dirty.

  11. I hate them both their store detectives are way too good.

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