
Do you like a buttery croissant?

by Guest61426  |  earlier

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Do you like a buttery croissant?




  1. yes

  2. Nice, fresh buttery croissant with cafe au lait? What could be a better breakfast?

  3. Yes, buttery croissants are good!  I love those things so much!

  4. Please don't take this as a snobbish reply, but  . . . the first time I visited Paris and had a fresh croissant with a cafe creme for breakfast at a sidewalk bistro, since then I've never enjoyed a croissant anywhere else.   It's the truth.   Maybe it was just the atmosphere, I don't know.

  5. yes i do they are delicious but i would prefer buttered toast just because its more appealing

  6. i love croissant, i put cream cheese and jam on it, and i usually have it with coffee.

  7. Sometimes I do

  8. croissants aren't really my cup a' tea. i do however enjoy buttery toast.

  9. Nope.  I just ate pizza.  I don't want anything else greasy thanks.

  10. Yes, and when you have to go to the toilet (lay a cable) in France, it's referred to as "Sortie le Croissant"

  11. yes there good....

    most of the time but not when there cold

  12. Mmm. With a cup of café au lait, wonderful. But then, there's the calorie count ...

  13. I love a crispy croissant with 1000 layers.

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