
Do you like a sing song at the end of the night in your local pub?

by  |  earlier

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wrong section.....ooops!! oh! well....

have a good nighte....




  1. my local does not encourage it but I go there because I don't have to drive home.

    The pub that encourages it is too far away and I have to drive to it - so  Don't do more than 2 pints.:(

    Can't win either way.

  2. No

  3. I don't even go to pubs in Britain now because of the no smoking ban. Thats if there are any left at the end of the day as they are closing down in thousands.  

  4. every night before i go to sleep like this watch...La la la la laaa..laaa lala laaa....see pretty aint it ..

    let your hair down girlfriend..whoo hoo..

  5. i'm usually to pissed to speak never mind sing,

    then you got the nightmare of getting in an out

    off a taxi, if that's not bad enough i now have

    to face the wife :)

    you're getting as bad as plato,lol

  6. Mrs S, I'm still waiting to see your Irish Dancding...!

    lol! Thanks Mrs S!

  7. Sure

    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " Summer wine"

    After having Alcopop with "I see two moons"

    In singing " Bad moon rising"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  8. Yeah when we're all walking down the road afterwards we sing songs that ridicule The Sh*t (West Bromwich Albion). :-)

  9. Yes but our oub is more into the meals!

    Here's one lol

    Might suit Kevsta lol

    SM will love that one Mrs S lol

  10. My local pub has turned into a restaurant so I never go now. But who needs a pub for that?......:))

    Edit: and with a bit of practice hey?? lol

  11. don't know any pub now that allows it, contravenes some PC garbage no doubt

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