
Do you like a stubborn person and doesn't love to admit his/her wrongs to be your friend?

by  |  earlier

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How do you want to change his/her character?




  1. I AM that person. I'm very stubborn, and I tend to want to do things my way, without anyone's opinion or advice. I wouldn't change though, I just think I have a strong personality.

  2. no i cant stand people like that. i happen to have a friend like that. i love him, but i hate when there is a debate because he can never fess up to being wrong. it's starting to push me away. i actually dont think you can change people like that. i try to set an exampl by admitting when i'm wrong and hope eventually he'll see it's okay to be wrong

  3. That would be me!!!! LOL

    That would also be my mother in law and most people in general.

  4. I could deal with someone who is stubborn at first but gives in after awhile but sometime stubborn is a good thing

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