
Do you like any of these names ?first is : nicole second is:gabriel fourth is :Dillon and last is angelina?

by  |  earlier

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know you know the names so what you have to do is write the name and then write why you like it ok .hope you answer me back it is impotent cause i need to choose a name for my new born baby .




  1. Nicole

    Because It's my name and I was named after my late auntie, so naturally it has a lot of meaning to me personally. I love my name anyway because it can be easily shortened to Nicky (which I usually get called) or other spellings (Nicki, Nikki) or Nic (Nik).  

  2. i like gabriel.  Too many Dillons and Nicoles around I think.  Angelina just sounds too cheesy for me, sorry.  But its your baby so I am sure you will choose the best name for it. x

  3. i looove the name nicole!

  4. simple, I would just go to

    Seems to have everything a girl would need to know

    about s*x, contraception, pregnancy, birth and

    womens health

  5. nicole-very sweet

    gabriel-love this name

    dillon-i like it spelled dylan better

    angelina-unique and a cute name

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