
Do you like artistic or rhythmic gymnastics better? And what's the difference?

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I didn't even know there were two different kinds of gymnastics.




  1. It's not "Just Floor" people!

    And if i hear one more commitator say Rhythmic Gymnast can remain longer in the sport because there is No STRAIN on the body, i'm going to fly to China and smack those uneducated h03s!

    Spending 8 hours/ 6 to 7 days a week with your head on your butt or knee to your strain! And i wonder why i can't walk at age 27...

    Yes, i enjoy artistic as well... but Rhythmic is more entertaining...sorry...

    PS. It's NOT a HULA HOOP!

    PPS. and what do you mean Frivolous!!?? We continue to do rhythmic past our 20's because its a way of life, not a phase like artistic.

  2. Artistic- 4 events, vault, bars beam and floor.

    Rhythmic- only floor, but they have several different routines containing a ribbon, ball, hula hoop, and some contortions.

  3. Rhythmics - for amazing flexibility and co-ordination and entertainment value.

  4. Artistic is so much better to watch in my oppinion.

  5. artistic gymnastics is:

    women: vault, floor, high bar, uneven bars, and beam.

    men: vault, floor, high bar, parallel bars, pommel horse, and rings.

    rhythmic gymnastics is gymnastics with an object, mostly done on floor.

    the scoring is different, too.

    i like artistic better.

  6. Rhythmic gymnastics takes years of ballet training. It's more a ballet performance where grace, flexibility and ability to leap very high are of the utmost of importance. Every movement most flow into the next with no hesitation or break. It very beautiful to watch and I have to say I do enjoy it better than artistic but I do have some ballet training and know how hard one has to work to achieve  what those girls are doing.

    They are mostly Russians and the Russians take their ballet very,very seriously and are the best ballerinas on the planet no hands down.

    I think Nastia could do rhythmic gynmastics. She has the body for it and the grace and flexibility. I don't think Shawn is the right body type though.  

  7. It doesn't matter because USA is the best and will always win as long as the judges aren't corrupt b@stards who favor the chinese half people

  8. Rhythmic gymnastics is a relative new addition to the world of gymnastics. Personally, I prefer artistic simply for its skill and elegance and find rhythmic too frivolous but that's my $0.02.

  9. they're really different because artistic is more flips and stuff while rhythmic is more creative with ribbons and balls and stuff. i think artistic is more exciting but the flexibility of rhythmic gymnasts is insane

  10. i like artistic.

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