
Do you like being a police/911 dispatcher?

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I am currently in training to be one. Let me know what you think about the job, honestly :) Thanks




  1. I work on the other side of the radio but talk to my dispatchers on a regular basis.  I know they love their jobs, stressful as it can be at times......just remember not to let the little things get to you, and don't take anything personally.  It's a stressful job and we can get on each others nerves at times ;)

  2. I've been doing it for over 10 years and I love it.  It can be hard work, but in its own way it's very rewarding if you let it be.  Training can be very hard so stick with it and give your best.

  3. Though I am not one,  I know some 911 dispatchers. It takes a special type of person to be a dispatcher, and can be a very stressful job especially if your co-workers heart aren't into their job.

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