
Do you like being around your family?

by  |  earlier

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they aren't bad people but i cant think of many worse ways to spend my night than with them. i only see them a handful of times a year at best anyway, although i used to see them a lot more when i was younger.

it isn't a nice thing to say but i don't really think i would care if i ever saw them again, it just sucks to be around them. the thought of christmas and stuff just fills me with dread that i am going to have to sit through another one in 4 months time.

is it wrong to think like this? i just don't care to be around them.




  1. I Know This Feeling Only To Well, Have Been There Myself. You Shouldnt Be Feeling This Way When You Think Of Your Family. Maybe You Have Some Fears Or Maybe A Touch Of Depression ?? Do You Prefer To Be Alone Or With People? Without More Info It Is Very Difficult To Answer.

  2. no i dont like being around my family over the holidays cause we always get in to a fight i hate holidays so yea its normal

  3. The question is why don't you like being around them? Do they fight all the time, any specific reasons? It's normal wanting to be someplace else when you've a family that keeps fighting all day. But if it's only because they're not fun, I'd say you're being real rude to them.  

  4. As you become a teen its pretty normal to hate being with ur family hun, so dont stress :) But im 16, and weirdly i actually like spending time with my family, i dont no wot i wud do without them :)

    Hope i helped-xx-

  5. I think you are over dramatizing the whole episode.  It is only for a few hours and it will make others happy.  I love my family but I do like the miles I have put between myself and them.  Suck it up and enjoy the holiday.  Once the family members die, you soon regret the bad feeling you harbor

  6. No i don't think it's wrong. I love my family to death but sometimes they just get on my nerves and i don't wanna be around them. I'm more of a loner anyways.  

  7. i feel the same towards my family, it's just because we're not close, i don't love them, but i don't hate them either, i just don't like them. i first thought it was their fault because they never really tried talking to me. i felt locked inside my own self, but wen u think about could they really help if they don't know? look, if u wanna fix it, talk 2 them about it, but if u don't, then just leave it as it is. And to answer ur question, yes, it is wrong but it's their fault as well as yours.

  8. Yes I love my mom(I only live with her all the chicks have left the nest) and shes my best friend I can trust her with anything. But at the same time "hanging out" with her as a friend just doesn't excite me much. Its just a parent-kid thing. Their still the "boring parents" every once in awhile.

  9. yaa absolutely

  10. i love being with my family as we r so close we do alot togther as i nearly lost both my parents recently however i had to move out about a yr ago as i was so down at home n never saw eye to eye with them! thts just famillies n if u get on better seeing eachother now and then then thts what works for u

    take care


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