
Do you like both your parents or do you just love them ?

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  1. I adored my parents when they were alive.

  2. i dont have any ,they left me  

  3. Love me mam but detest my dad, for lots of reasons.

  4. Well I only have one that's alive..and I appreciate everytime he helps me out..I do like him..but he get's on my nerves sometimes!! :-)

  5. i love mine to bits

  6. they're dead.

  7. I like and love my mum, and i only just love my dad

  8. I love my parents both so much. They're great people and looking back I'd like to thank them for everything they've done for me.

  9. I both love and like them although they can be annoying at times.

  10. I HAVE to love them

  11. I dont even like either of them

  12. Both my parents are embarassing in different ways -

    My mum always acts like a mother,

    and my dad always acts like I am 2 years old.

    (I'm not 2 btw, I'm 18)

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