
Do you like canada?

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Do you like canada?




  1. The U.S.A is my home country. I guess Cannada is pretty cool.

  2. why do you want to know

  3. I traveled, by car, through Maine into New Brunswick, took a ferry over to Nova Scotia, drove on the northernmost roads to a ferry over to Newfoundland and drove around the eastern to northern to western parts of Newfoundland back to Nova Scotia, to Halifax, back up the middle of N.S. to N.B then home (USA) again. I did this all in about 24 days. It was a great trip. Beautiful country, hospitable people, very nice atmosphere everywhere I went.

  4. NO it stinks!

  5. I am 23 years old and have been living in Canada all my life. For as long as I can remember I have been trying to move far away from here. This summer I will be taking a trip to Europe and with any luck I won't be coming back.

    Canada is fine if you like hockey and snow. However don't think you will find freedom here. Just like any other country Canadians are to lazy to stand up and demand that things be changed and the end result is that the government just pushes everyone around.

    No I am not the only one who sees it this way. many of my friends and co-workers also have stated that the Canadian government has no respect for human rights.
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