
Do you like cappucino?

by Guest65063  |  earlier

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Whats the light brown stuff in a cappucino ? It goes frothy and i love it mmm much better than just a standard coffee.




  1. *drool*

    I have to second the soy milk

  2. yum

    i love it but i have soys milk as i am allergic and its so fattning

    but hey who cares

  3. yesssssssss.

  4. Wow its my type of thing...just love it....

  5. I'm thirding the soy.

    I am a barista, and it's the first thing I have when I walk into the shop.

    As far as the light brown stuff, is it powdered? in the drink?....what?

    Espresso is dark brown (turns light when mixed with milk), the crema (froth on top of espresso, not the milk) is yellow/brown. They could be putting nutmeg, cinnamon, or chocolate powder on it, any of which would be brown (and yummy) on a cappuccino

  6. i love cappucino! ;)

  7. yes, I buy the economy size cappucinos at Wal-mart. they are really big and only 5.99. a good price. You aren't from the states though; are you? well, forget I said anything then. I forgot.

  8. i love cappucino and it the soy milk
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