
Do you like cheese???????????????

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Do you like cheese???????????????




  1. I LOVE CHEESE! From cheddar to feta to goat cheese to white cheese. I LOVE IT ALL! lol

  2. ooooo yes :) every cheese in the world :) except the one from Sardinia with living worms inside!!!!

  3. yeah but it makes my little tummy hurt :[

  4. not really. the only cheese i like is parmesan. (i know, i'm picky!)

  5. Yes I like almost every cheese

  6. yup

  7. I love all kinds of cheese. From Edam to Bleu.

  8. Yes especially w/ nachos but it also taste good in recipes and on sandwiches!!

  9. Yes

  10. Only some kinds. Not american, feta, parmesan, nacho, or blue.

  11. love it! :D

  12. i cant stand the SMELL of cheese. by itself

    if its on pizza or something i'ts fine.

    i had a horrible experience with cheese that i was forced to eat when

    i was younger. it was horibble. even the smell of cheese makes me sick  

  13. You bet.


  14. Not really. I only like cheddar, edam, emmental, gruyere, and italian cheeses like Parmesan, ricotta, mascarpone. I can't stand the smell of some cheeses, like Roquefort and Bleu  (hardcore french cheeses), yuck *vomit*

    I live in France where people always eat cheese after the meal and before the dessert. Every time I was invited for a dinner, I was like the only one who always skipped that cheese part. And everyday when I walk to school I need to pass a cheese shop, and honestly beginning your day with a smell of strong cheese is not something I really enjoy.  

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