
Do you like cheeto's ...?

by Guest63366  |  earlier

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A man stops by his regular doctor with this strange discolouring of his genitals. The doctor was quite amazed. He had never seen such a shade of orange on a man's privates.

After a very thorough examination, the befuddled doctor finally confessed he had no ideas.

So he said to the man "I don't quite understand what is going on here." Then he asked, "so tell me what is it you do?"

The man said, "not much, really."

The doctor asked, "Do you work?"

The man replied, "no I have been laid off for months."

The doctor then said, "well, what is it that you do all day?"

The man replied "not much really, I sit around, watching porno's and eating cheetos all day..."




  1. that was not funny at all.

    what a waste of joke space on question and answer.

  2. LOL! ;)

  3. haha....NOT funny

  4. Not funny...

  5. be tasty for later

  6. Ewwwwwwww


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