
Do you like china hosting Olympic?

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Lobsang tseing, really hate china.. But cant do any thing! so help me out.




  1. Well..who gives a d**n about politics??

    It is very strange nowadays that a lot of teenagers actually care more about human rights and political issues? Is this the new trend? Or they feel that human rights issues or politicsare more important than sports?

    Olympics is a sport event, politics should not be part of the game..that is totally ridiculous!

  2. Seems like no matter what America does, the world will criticize.  So as a citizen of the US I can honestly say that we've stopped giving a sh** what people who don't live here have to say about us.  As far as China hosting the Olympics, I think it was a poor choice.  AIR MASKS have to be worn just to breathe in town.  And of course, the only people criticized for wearing them were the American athletes.  Surprise, surprise.  I also think that if China were not hosting the games they would never get away with entering adolescent girls in the gymnastics events.  At first I thought it would be really neat, but after the air quality problems, the lip synching at the opening ceremonies, and the cheating in gymnastics, no - I don't like that China is hosting the Games.

  3. I don't really have a problem with China hosting the Olympics. I think there were other worthy choices, and I would have liked to see China spend the money on their own people rather than trying to impress the world. But the Olympics is supposed to be about bringing the world together in the name of sport and competition. I'm ok with setting the politics aside and just enjoying the games.

  4. You don't see where it is happening.Just see how it is happening.You see how your country is performing...

  5. Yes , they are doing a great job, everything is so organized, creating a good environment for the athletes to compete in

  6. China is a permanent member of United Nations and the World's most populated country.By Hosting Olympics people all around the world will come closer to Chinese people and culture which can be for the good of the world

  7. yeah ofcorce.why not?

  8. Yes, they have really done a great job & lived up to the expectation. What is the problem with China? There is no place for hatredness in sports. Opening ceremony was just mind blowing & above par.

  9. Just stop arguing on the same topic anymore!!!

    So Boring

  10. Yes, I think China does a great job so far.  However the annoying american media likes to whine a lot, especially the gymnastics manager.

  11. i like china hosting the olympics, and as you can see, everyone is getting sick and tired of hearing America whine and complain.

  12. No. A Dictatorship without Freedom of Speech and stuff should not host the olympics.

    But we can see 70 years after the Olympics in n**i Germany 1936 the IOC has not learned very much.

    Now I hope the Olympics will really help China to open more to the world.

  13. Although China used to be poor,but it is becoming more and more prosperous now.Give China a chance please,and give urself a chance to get to know China

  14. Yeah I think so far it has been good.

    it is almost half way into it now, get over it mate! No one forces you to watch anyway!

  15. American "don't like peace" they like wars and always involved.

    American enjoy "killing people" Iraq and Afghanistan innocent citizen.

    American is very funny because they are "narcissistic".

    Conclusion:  American "SUCKS"

  16. olympics are generally associated with power politics as well. the game's coming into this part of the world signals in a way the rising status of china on the world stage and through the games china has showcased, its aspirations of global power and leadership.

    i really dont have an issue with china hosting the olympics.

  17. I was hoping that this time with China hosting Olympics, people's views might be broadened. But it turns out this is not the case. Despite what you may all think about the Chinese government's ways, the people of China don't have problems with it. All the rebellions and criticism comes from the outside. China cannot run under a democratic government, just as America cannot run under a communist one.

    I am glad China is hosting. During the opening events, China was able to show off their achievements and culture. Looking at their displays, I think they did an excellent job.

    Funnily enough, the people who are causing the violence are the ones that the outside world support. The government has already taken strict measures to ensure security but they can't be everywhere.

    I don't understand why everybody hates China hosting the Olympics.

  18. Ya.. not bad.. everything arranged properly only weather affecting the games nothing else

  19. Yea, this is China's year. and all the haters and a**holes are trying to take that from them. oh by the way, don't be stupid and believe everything the media says. Media distortion

  20. Anything that has got to do with PRC China, I will absolutely not support.

    6 days into the Olympics, and so many people have already died.

  21. Very. China is a great nation now and soon will be richer than Us so why not?Before you say there's no freedom Us so a "fair" place when dont let the poorer get the same health care than richer...and lots more unequally treatments plus they think to be the owner of the world and with their arrogancy make sure that the swimm race was fit for their prime tv...fck 'em!

  22. While it hasn't been bad, it hasn't been good either. Why?

    1. There is little spirit compared to previous years with half-filled arenas which were supposed to be 'full' and however many hundreds of thousands of police, who look more like robots, or statues which takes away alot of the friendlyness. The total opposite of Australia.

    2. China is sticking to it's communist ways, with the Government thinking they can do whatever they want. They are trying to completely cover up all of the bad events (Stabbing, protests, shooting + bus crash) and threatening media who want to cover it. They also arrested a British report simply for covering a small protest.

    3. While the opening ceremony and the Olympics so far have very glamorous, as they have dished out billions to impress the world. It all goes to waiste and counts for nothing as everything is so serious and there is little spirit.

  23. china is best for kung-fu,  etc, they found many sports by this way, so china hosting olympic is good

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