
Do you like claire's???

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Do you like claire's???




  1. I love it because its the best.

  2. sure - it's a gd store but a little too girly sometimes (but the 10 for 10 sale is rele gd)

  3. I find their stuff ok but not the best quality.

  4. Sometimes they have cute sunglasses (and I can't resist a good pair of shades) but most of their stuff is really cheesy and, (I have no evidence to back this up, just kind of a feeling I have) it seems like it is made in China, and as we all know, working conditions for people making things that can be sold that cheaply are less than ideal.

  5. I do, but they have cheap stuff, because almost every time I buy a  necklace there, it breaks.

  6. i love claire's!!!!! its probly my favorate in the mall!!!!!!!!!! although they need to be updated more often ,they have the same stuff for like months, REALLY!!!

  7. yep, love it. Claire's n Icing

  8. Yes and no - they sometimes have the stuff you really need to help an outfit! I bought a silver "diamond" music note from Claire's and I've had it forever! I wear almost all the time and I get so many compliments on it - it's one of my favorite pieces of jewelry to be honest with you!

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