
Do you like commuters?

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Or do they annoy you as much as they do me?




  1. I would not say I like them but they are certainly very useful.

  2. every one has to commute to work, whether it's taking the train, drive or walking down the street its all commuteing, So i dont seee how they annoy you  unless your unemployed and stand in peoples way while they try to go to work.

    add more detail on how they annoy you so people can answers if that also annoys them.

  3. As a dyslexic I find commuters difficult to deal with, all of the letters on the keyboard are all over the place. Ta

  4. I used to. But I sold my Corvette, bought a Toyota FJ Crusier & drove slower on the freeway. Now I drive along, listening to my Spanish language podcast (Coffee Break Spanish).

    And I don't stress over other freeway drivers.

    If I stress over the commute, it effectively extends my stress from 10 hours in the office to 12 total hours of stress.

  5. They're probably not having much fun themselves you know.

    No-one in their right mind wants to force themselves onto a train and remain packed in like sardines for up to an hour with no seat and have to pay up to £4000 a year for the priviledge (in London). And to then do that for 5/6/7 days a week for up to 40 years - absolutely f***ing wonderful!!!

  6. sometimes but then I look at them and find something funny-like them picking their huge nose.

  7. No - I hate them - just a tool for me.  As a social photographer I find it useful for producing photo DVD's of the parties, weddings and other events I cover.  Dowloading music, games and videos - they're not for me but when I do have the time I rather like Q & A.

    I have posted three questions about cancer as I am researching this along with the internet.  I am currently thinking about suing hospitals in Ireland for the untimely death of my sister - in - law and find the Internet very useful here.

    I find the internet useful for booking flights when commissioned for work abroad and for research purposes.

    I also use it for a limited amount of shopping.

    Sorry - I misread the word for computers.

    As for commuters I had to do this a fair bit living on the coast and travelling to London - between a 15 and 18 hour day.  Lots of people have to commute these days - the more resposible and "high powered" a job the fewer of them there are.  A friend of mine lives in Normandy and commutes to London - how about that for distance - plane and train!!!

    Anyway, you know my views about computers as well!!

  8. As we don't know how much they DO annot you, it's hard for us to say ! ! !

  9. We can't all live within walking distance of where we work.

  10. I'm a commuter and I hate commuters and people who use my bus casually or for short distances. I wish they'd all just f*ck off so I could have the top deck of the bus to myself. Then I could get my army men out and play war all the way to work.

  11. yes alot but i can only eat  one.
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