
Do you like country or rap more?

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Do you like country or rap more?




  1. Country, Rap is awful x

  2. Neither, but I can find certain songs in both genres which are tolerable.

  3. I like them the same time...I call it "crappy". : P

  4. Thats all I listen to is country.

  5. well, i don't really like anyone of them, but i would say country because sometimes it could be a good song, but sometimes all i hear are twang-twanging noises. xD rap is just .. basically all they do is just speak some words and string them together. that's not really "sing singing". but i guess it could be okay, if you're in that "gangster-ish" kind of mood. (:

  6. A very hard question to answer.  Both genres suck horribly.  I suppose if someone was forcing me to choose one with a gun or something I would choose country and thats only because I like one artist's songs in country and thats Kenny Rogers.  If you want some real music though put on some metal.

  7. Not a big fan of either, but if there was a gun pointed at my head, I'd go with country.

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