
Do you like drinking water or chewing ice?

by  |  earlier

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they give the same nutrition, just wondering. i personally like chewing ice better




  1. Drinking water absolutely. I drink (10) .5 L bottles each day.

  2. I like crunching on crushed ice--but the finely crushed ice like hospitals have!

  3. I'd rather drink water, because I usually start getting a lot of saliva in my mouth when I place an ice cube in my mouth. =-)

  4. Ice cruncher from way back! Love the water too!

  5. drinking water, but i like to chew on ice too.


  6. Chewing ice. We have these big cups that I fill about 3/4 of the way with crushed ice and then I fill with water. Then I drink the water and chew the ice when the water is gone. I always chew ice when we go on roadtrips, and I have been to 49 states so that's a lot of ice chewing haha

    PLEASE HELP:;...

  7. Drinking water -  just the thought of chewing on ice hurts my teeth

  8. Drinking water.

  9. drinking water...its much more you get!

  10. I don't like either.

    The water I drink is in my cuppa tea.

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