
Do you like driving?

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Do you like driving?




  1. I enjoy driving when there really isn't anybody on the road but during the day it sucks

  2. Yes I like driving.

  3. sumtimes

  4. Depends on what ur driving!!   u see.. driving ur grandmothers 1987 chevy celebrity will be no where near as thrilling as driving a 2008 BMW M3 now will it?!?!  or does driving a  Geo Tracker on some rough trails come close to letting ur hummer H1 go on the rocks?!?!   u have to have a taste for what u drive or ull never like it!

  5. it's not very fun on the road, so i like to take my 4runner on some trails and rocks. oh and gas is quite a bit nowadays.

  6. if i did not i'd be in the wrong profession

  7. I don't drive, I drift.

    Hence why people don't like driving, because of "hoon" drivers.

  8. I work for a major car rental company. Driving different cars is really interesting even though I'm not really a rev head. Driving in heavy traffic doesn't really bother just annoys me that it can take so long to go hardly any distance.

  9. super!

    that's my dream...

    i want to drive a race car...


    i'm just 17 yrs old and also

    i'm a gurl...

    so sad....:(

  10. Only at night when there's no traffic.

    Good Luck...

  11. Yes because I go to work at 5:00am and leave work at 7:00pm so there is no traffic and I can drive the speed limit without any problems.......

  12. I love driving in heavy city traffic. It's like combat with out guns.

    And instead of trying to hit people one spends the whole time trying to avoid being hit. Oh and the cell phone jerks, it's harder to keep from being hit by one of them, than a by a girl with a compact out putting on lipstick.

  13. Occasionally. I was blinded in one eye at the age of 12 because of a car accident so it  kinda turned me off. I have my license and have been driving for a long while now but it still paranoys me.

  14. no i hate it !!!!

  15. Its my living.Its what i do for a job.So no not really.

    But sometimes when i am on a decent road and i know how the vehicle,be it truck or car,is going to react and i am tune with it..ahhh then the bends flow and the vehicle is part of me.THEN it is fun.THEN it is enjoyable.THEN i rediscover my love of driving.And it makes all the c**p worthwhile.

  16. I love to drive. I have been driving for 55 years and never had an accident or a ticket of any kind. The only problem with driving now, are the gas prices. When I started to drive, the price of gas was 19 cents a gallon and the automatic tranny was not even invented yet. Good grief, am I old ? or what.

  17. No, I don't -I seem to spend my time trying to  avoid the stupid things other 'driver's' do...

  18. Driving, even in rush hour, is the most relaxing part of my day (except sleeping... unless its a nightmare and I'm running from something).

  19. Not really. It's pretty boring.

  20. Not any more. There are just to many idiots out there who are inconsiderate.dangerous and just plain not paying attention to what's going on. Cell phone use has made it unsafe. All the immature boy racers with their stupid ricer cars that have to try and race anything with wheels on it. Cars that are no longer fun to drive.And of course the never ending increase of the price of gas was the last nail in the coffin that has ruined it for me.
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