
Do you like flying during the day or at night better?

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I'm terrified of flying but I perfer flying at night because there is hardly any turbulence and it doesn't even feel like your flying due to lack of turbulence. It feels kinda like watching a movie at home in the living room [if the airline plays movies]. during the day there is more turbulence and you can actually see that you are on a plane when you look out the window. during the night it's all black so it doesn't look like your on a plane outside. it's also more relaxing and quieter during the night.




  1. I hate flying!!! (I think you answered my question about flying :D)

    But I think Night or Really early morning, Easier to fall asleep to my music. Also I love when you see the lights against the dark sky, its really really beautiful :)

  2. I love to fly and, I was all set to say that I liked daytime flying better..but then, I thought about the most peaceful flights I'd ever been on. And they were all (well, almost) at night.

    I love to see the way there are LOADS of lights around big cities, and then how they spread out and become more and more scarce as the suburbs turn into countryside. Very neat stuff. And everyone is tired, so there's less conversation - less noise.

    The only thing I don't like about nighttime flying is that down here in the South, thunderstorms build up during the day and unleash their fury at night - which makes for MAJOR rough air. I won't even go into that story. :)

    So....after deep consideration, I rather like nighttime flying, after all. Thanks for asking!

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