
Do you like fortune cookies?

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Do you like fortune cookies?




  1. Not really! But I always have to eat a nibble of one before I read my fortune...someone told me a long time ago that that's what you have to do to have your fortune come true! (and did you know that you're supposed to pick the one that's pointing towards you?) Silly, I know, but still I do it...*sigh*

  2. h**l ya u no it!

  3. yea it came true to me once

  4. Yes actually, they are pretty good if you get them at reputable restaurants. I think the biggest reason I like them though is because of how acurate they seem to be. Let me explain:

    My boyfriend and I go to a chinise restaurant at least once a week I'd say, same place; and for the last 2 years. Every fortune he recieves from his cookie is oddly accurate. Its rather creep at times but its scary accurate. Coincidence or luck? Who knows, but I always pay attention to them when they include other people. lol

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