
Do you like french fries?

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Do you feel guilty after eating them?




  1. I love em. Sometimes I feel guilty but not really. Enjoy life!

  2. too f'n much!

    & yes, all that grease

    in my body;;eh /=

  3. omggg

    i effing love them

    and no im proud of their fried oilyness

  4. Rarely eat them..

    Prefer white castle fries with cheese

    or tater tots from sonic

    no guilt....

  5. yeah, but tater tots are better.

  6. Like is not the word for me - more like love.

    I guess sometimes I feel guilty if it's like MCDs fries but I make "healthier" baked ones -sooooooo good!  

  7. ha ha! Shh yes the dreaded Greese stick. good for the soul,  bad for the body. I love them and A-L-W-A-Y-S, always feel guilty about eating them :)


  8. Yes i like french fries and sometimes i do feel guilty after eating them but i always try not to eat too many.

  9. no i never feel guilty because their so good

  10. yes and no

  11. I loooove it! Especially with ketchup! And yes I do feel guilty because it goes straight to my hips! But, oh well!  

  12. i like french fries and no i don't feel guilty after eating them.

  13. i love them!

    i love waffle fries with salt sprinkled over them dipped in ketchup

    i dont feel guilty cause i dont get them too much

    i would if i ate it every day

  14. I love them with ranch dressing and yes i do feel guilty after

  15. yes i love em

    yes i feel guilty

  16. prefer a spanish roll

  17. I don't eat french fries a whole lot and I don't really feel guilty after eating them so much because they are so rare for me. Good luck to ye!

  18. Yes, I love them. Especially McDonalds

  19. Yes I like fries but I do get guilty at times.

  20. Yes - especially cooked by the roadside, to order, in Brittany when you have just come off the beach and on your way back to the campsite.

    I have no guilt-feelings about them at all because I'm now too old to care!

  21. lol the real question is, who doesnt love french fries?

    bt yeah i feel guilty, all the grease is just to much fer me.

    i like baking them at home when i can.

  22. I do like french fries, although I am dieting right now.  Did you know that most fast food fries are coated to make them crispy?  The coating contains sugar.  I prefer homemade fries or what is called Boardwalk Fires.  They are cut and fried using fresh potatoes.

  23. Does ANYONE dislike french fries? :)

    And yes I do feel guilty, but nothing a good workout session can't fix.

  24. I love french fries!

    And I kinda do feel guilty after eating them because of all that grease I'm putting in my body.

    However that guilt is no where near the guilt I feel after eating onion rings!

    Believe you me!

  25. I like freedom fries better

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