
Do you like girls that swear?

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I'm a guy and I don't like to swear in the presence of people unless it's a really bad situation or something crazy happened. Two girls that I liked swear a lot and now I don't like them anymore. Is swearing a turn off for you as well?




  1. I'm a girl and I don't mind when my boyfriend swears. Swearing used to bug me a lot when I was young. As I've grown older I've realized that it's kind of silly to place such weight behind words. In fact, I really think it's silly to say any word is 'bad'. But that's just my opinion.

    Neither of us swears a lot though, and I think that if we did it would bother me a little, not because of the words so much, but because of the repetition of it (Or if he did it because he seemed to think it made him cool or something).

  2. it's vulgar.  kind of a turn off.

    there are instances when swaearing is acceptable, like to make a joke or story better...but when someone is mad and cussing, or using it in daily's ugly.

  3. Being a female myself...even l get turned off by hearing another female using really bad language.A swear here and there is acceptable....but there are some people who cannot string 10 words together without using the most foulest language.They need to be shown a video of themselves and l wonder if they then could see how uncouth they sound...........

  4. I don't like it either.  Chances are these girls are immature and think their swearing sounds cool.

  5. It depends on the extremes they go to. Generally, I find anyone who swears as if they learned English on a pirate ship to seem somewhat stupid, and that's a turn-off, male or female. It doesn't usually take much imagination to swear. Although I have heard some very creative and inventive cursing which, though shocking, was hilarious. I guess it just depends.

  6. I am a girl, and even tend not to become friends with other girls who swear a lot.  I do it myself on occasions.  Like stubbing my toe, but not in public unless something real crazy happens.  I can totally understand why you would get away from that.  No reason to be around others who do not know how to restrain themselves from curing all the time.

  7. swearing is the number one turn off

  8. I agree. It's S****y.

    Many of the young people today are pretty vile and foul mouthed. They routinely use that filthy street talk in mixed company.

  9. Not really a turn off, but i don't like it either, a few not as bad words is fine (***, d**n, h**l, even ****) but i don't like it when girls use the f word a lot, it shows that they're trashy and cheap.

  10. I grew up in a house where swearing was an everyday thing.Then I joined the Navy and had more swearing on a daily basis.I still swear on occasion but I know what situations call for that language.I think in todays society we have to accept that some people will swear just for the shock value.While others swear because they think its cool.I know a couple of my friends swear because that is the only way they know to express feelings on a subject.If you like the girls but dont like their language then you shouold tell them their language is inappropriate.They will probably laugh at you but they might just listen to what they are saying and see how ridiculous it is.

  11. Depends on the girl, the relationship, and the situation.  If you really like the girl and have any kind of chance with her, tell her it bothers you.  If she cares about you she will try to change.  If she doesn't care about you then don't bother.

  12. I do not like swearing in general and I sure don't like ladies who swear like a drunk sailor.

  13. If it is excessive then yeah.

  14. Yes, it is a turn-off for me, boy or girl. I wouldn't want somebody swearing at me. I'd only tolerate it if it's rare and if it's not to used to insult others.

  15. yea it is for me but not as bad as a chick the smokes cancer sticks

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