
Do you like haggis? Do you realize it's actually really nice? Does it freak you out?

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Do you like haggis? Do you realize it's actually really nice? Does it freak you out?




  1. I love haggis.Yes I'm Scottish but not all Scottish people like it.I think people should forget what it's made of and just try it.Not liking the taste is OK but refusing to even try it is daft.

    If you really don't like the idea of what's in it get a vegetarian haggis-there are some really nice ones around-even in English supermarkets.

  2. i love haggis, think its delicious.

    i always have it with swede and potato (neeps and tatties)

    i never let whats inside it put me off, and it eat it every week, absolutely gorgeous.

    i think its lame how some people turn their noses up just because of what its made of - they're seriously missing out! if only they knew how good it tasted...

  3. HI,

    never tried it something like we call "scrapple" here in the usa? I don't know what's in haggis..stumped.


  4. I'm Scottish and vegetarian, so I eat veggie haggis and they are delicious.  McSweens and Hall's both make good ones.

  5. I love Haggis. It is so tasty. I wish it was more widely available in the UK.

  6. As a Scottish person, I can say I HATE the taste of haggis. Yuck, just the thought of it makes me feel sick.

  7. Not a fan...but would recommend it

  8. I dont know what that is???

  9. Haggis, Neep and Tatties is the dogs dangly-parts..... mash it all up an a big pile of mush and eat - lovely.

  10. Tried it once, as you say, really nice.

  11. I love haggis

  12. i dont like it but it doesnt freak me out. . . x

  13. I love haggis and it features on the menu in my house on a regular basis. I love it for breakfast too, with fried eggs and beans.

  14. i love it

  15. wat iz it

  16. I like haggis and yes I know whats in it.

  17. i tried it once,

    its so disgusting,

    Ive never tried anything that could be so revolting,..

  18. I like haggis but I don't eat it very often as the tinned stuff is awful and you don't get much fresh haggis in Hertfordshire...

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