
Do you like having american owners in the premier league?

by  |  earlier

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im just you like [as you english people call them] "yanks" be owners to your beloved premier league club? why or why not?




  1. it wouldnt really matter as long as they dont ruin the club! if they are good, then nationality shouldn't be the problem.

  2. Malcolm Glazer---yes.  He's smart enough to know how much he doesn't know about football, and lets Sir Alex run the show.  Hicks and Gillette---no.  They haven't got a clue, but are certain that they're money makes them smart and knowlegable, and that's a recipe for disaster.

  3. I really don't care, to be honest...As long as they don't turn the club inside out. I don't think it any different than having a foreign manager. American business men are not that different than English business or any other nationality. They can be just as good as the best and just as bad as the worst. I don't see how it acutely affects how well the clubs performs, which is all that I am concerned about.

  4. At least they (the American owners) aren't criminals from Thailand or Russia.

  5. Financially pretty fine

    Soccer-wise not really

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