
Do you like homeschooling?

by Guest66541  |  earlier

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hey!! do yall like to homeschool??? i know im a homeschooled student i like it overall,so do you??? just curious!!!thanks!!




  1. I homeschool my 1 yr old son, this is his 3rd yr. He loves it so much better compared to public schooling. The public schools here in Kansas City, KS SUCK! Not 1 of the d**n teachers have a clue of what there doing.

    See my son is SEVERLY dyslexic, when my son started going ot public schools, I fought the schools for 3 long yrs, only to be told "Dyslexia DOSNT exist"!

    So we took his education in our own hands. He went from D's & F's, to A's & B's. This kid couldnt even read to me when he was in 3rd grade. Both my husband & I worked our tails off to get him to read out loud.

    The teachers here was passing him through to the next grade, even though the kid couldnt really read!

    He's still behind in readign & math, but nothing like he was when he was in public school.

    I asked him if he wanted to go back to public school, he said NO, I asked him why? He told me the teachers at achools, are pushy, mean, have NO patients whatso ever!

    He even had a special ed teacher call him "stupid", when I went to the school, & asked her if this was true, she told me to my face "Yes, I did, it got his attetion"!

    I flipped, & went off of her, & told her in her face, "you DONT ever call a kid stupid, whether they have a LD, or not, the kids here already have low self esteam, & the last thing they need is a teacher of ALL people putting them down! And if theres ANYONE in this school thats stupid, its YOU!

    I made her apologize to my son in person in front of the class too. She was pissed, but I didnt care, every since then she never said the worng thing to my son, she knew Id be right back up there again.

    As far as Im concerened my son will NOT be back in the public school system again, UNLESS we move, & I know for a fact the school system is REALLY good. They have to pass my expextations!

    Plus, for those that are reading this & thinking my son gets NO socialization, boy are you wrong, my son has 4-H, awanze (mispelled), arts & craft at our local library, field trips, tykondo (mispelled). Plus, we have other homeschoolers over for a picnic too, the kids get to make what they want, have arts, & crafts then too.

    over all my son loves it.

  2. it works so well for me! I am a dancer in 8th grade currently putting in over 20 hours per week. if i wasnt a homeschooler i dont know how i could attend all of my classes and rehearsals. i also feel that i get more of a chance to learn what i want to, not what a teacher wants. i would recommend it to anyone with the time!

  3. Yep. I LOVE IT!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Ir rox my sox!

  5. i think its ok you can stay home but its good to go and meet and hang with friends. but you don't have to deal with stupid teacher lol

  6. It depends.

    The education part? Yes, very much. I feel I get to learn alot more of what I want, and focus more on what I want.

    Everything else? No.

    Overall, I'd say I don't like it, and at times despise it....

    But it works for the better for alot of people, education and social wise. For me however it's just been education wise.


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