
Do you like icecream or pizza better?

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i like some pizza but not all pizza and im a freak about icecream i barly live one day with out so vote which one you like better




  1. They're both good. You can have pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert and in the end, everyone's happy.

  2. Pizza. It fills me up, making me satisfied afterward. Ice cream is a nice compliment to any meal though. Ice cream isn't however, a substitute for a meal. That is why I choose pizza.

  3. cream better.

  4. pizza.

  5. wow this is very tough but I'm  gonna say ice cream

    u should try new york style pizza its awesome

  6. pizza

  7. Ice Cream, I absolutely love it!.

  8. I like them both, but I'm gonna go with ice cream because it's great for a hot day and I live in Florida so it comes in handy!

  9. I'd eat some pizza and then have ice cream for dessert.

  10. Definitely pizza.  For me it is a comfort food, and at the end of a long day that is exactly what I like best.  Also if I am in a hurry in the morning it is great cold too  :)

    Oh but I do love icecream.  Rocky Road is my fave  :)  

  11. I like pizza better

  12. i do not like any of those .because they are not appreciate for our health. But i want to say that if you are taking those food ,take a little.

    that will be good for us and for our will be happy and your health will be good

  13. definitely pizza, my mom makes it at home

  14. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  15. For me pizza, i rarely want ice cream.

  16. I like Pizza better.  I order Pizza about once or twice a month.  It's probably been a year since I've had ice cream because it makes my teeth hurt.  

  17. Pizza !. I like 'em both, but I can eat a h**l of a lot more pizza than ice cream.

  18. Tough decision.  I'd say pizza because it's warm and delicious.  But you can't go wrong with ice cream either.  I probably eat more ice cream because you can have just a little but pizza you need a couple slices because it's a main course.

  19.    i scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream------

  20. Pizza for sure.=)

  21. I would have hawwian pizza anyday!!! hands down. well ice cream is good to but. pizza all the way!!

    Just keepin it reall!! ;D

  22. Eugh. I actually don't like neither.

  23. Almost a tossup but I'm gonna go with pizza.

    it fills you up more.

  24. Very hard to give answer. I'm crazy about ice cream, especially chocolate ice cream. Pizza also my favorite food, it's warm, cheesy...So, I got one recipe >>> Banana pizza with chocolate ice cream on top!

  25. ice cream on my pizza!


    i dont really like ice-cream gives me a brain freezee

    i love ham and pineapple

    i love chicken sweetcorn

    i dont like peperaronie as its too spicey


  27. Pizza Pizza Pizza I love it

  28. Pizza!  I can go without ice cream.

  29. Ice Cream definetley!!

  30. I like both. But in my taste, pizza is my pick. Warm, delicious and really good on cold nights. You could also eat the left overs for breakfast!!

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