
Do you like it when people act intellectual?

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Do you like it when people act intellectual?




  1. Sure, as long as it's not s****.! :-)

  2. if they actually are!

  3. well hypothetically speaking it is quite bothersome ,i would agree!

  4. When they have the wisdom to back it up, sure, I'll listen all day, I might learn something.  If they are a fraud (it is just an act), then no.

  5. Only if they're not acting.

  6. No, not when they act like it...just when they are actually intellectual...

  7. If its casual no because they usually come off arrogant. But if it is a formal conversation then I dont have a problem with it.

  8. It's okay, but not too much. They have to be honest about it. I would much rather hear a person say, "The company I work at is doing well," rather than, ""Thanks to the spectacular foresight of our president, the company I work at is being profitable and profusely proficient." Or something like that. But if they're acting like they really do know about what they're talking about, it's fine with me! (I have a friend who talks like some world-class genius. Yesterday I said, "continue on" and she yelled, " 'continue on' is redundant!" What does that even mean?!)

  9. ya provided it is at the right time. i do not like snobs who act intellectual.

  10. I do enjoy the company of people who are actually intellectual.  But people who just try to act intellectual by being verbose and arrogant annoy me

  11. i hate when people act like something they aren't whether they're acting like a bimbo or an intellectual.

    the coolest people are always themselves = ]

  12. if its an act then it usually has the opposite effect than what theyre going for.

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