
Do you like it when someone rubs your back when hugging you or no? if not, is it too creepy or something?

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Do you like it when someone rubs your back when hugging you or no? if not, is it too creepy or something?




  1. It depends on who it is. If it's an old aunt or something, it's like someone else said, similar to a pat on the head for a child, but if it's someone I don't know well, it's a little strange.

  2. I love it when its girl do that

  3. It depends on who is doing the rubbing. I also think its equivalent to a pat on a head. Something you would do to a very small child.

  4. Oh my Gosh!!!

    I Hate it when someone rubs my back while they hug me.

    It feels incredibly awkward, like there trying to feel my bra straps, and unhook my bra in the back. And when did back rubbing turn into waist rubbing?

    I prefer a tight hug, arms where I can see them.  

  5. It fine by me if they don't mind my leg jerking real fast as if I'm scratching.  Normally they stop real quickly and walk away..

  6. It depends on who I am hugging.  I think gals would find it more creepy, especially if it someone you were not close to.

  7. I don't mind if it's a guy rubbing my back but if it's a girl then yeah it would be creepy to me lol.

  8. receiving that kind of hug from a close relative or close friend is ok.but it sure make me feel awkward and feel uneasy when guys or even other frens do that and i can say that i don't like that

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