
Do you like it when someone speaks their mind or would you want them to shut up?

by Guest64738  |  earlier

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Personally, I like it when someone says how they feel and they don't have to be a clone and agree with someone's opinion to be heard. People who don't tolerate other's opinion heeds to appreciate the fact that someone has different views.




  1. I prefer people to speak their minds...I hate fakeness.  But I will say there is a way to speak to others for them to be more receptive of your/ ones opinion's.  I think its more about how you communicate.

  2. I love it when people speak their minds, someone's feelings and opinions should always be heard. Now they should think about it sometimes too before they say it because I don't want to hear every last thought (especially if their thinking something bad about someone).

  3. it depends on the situation like if im bored i would like a conversation, but if i was focused on something i would want them to shut up

  4. I agree with you EXCEPT when it is the same person always being a pain in the butt.  If this person never has anything positive to say or doesn't let anyone else give an opinion, then I would definitely prefer that he or she just shut up sometimes!  =)

  5. Personally, i find honest open people very refreshing and I try to let them know that I really do appreciate their candor.

    On the other hand there are loud, mouthed bigots who feel they have the right to say whatever comes into their head without applying any degree of filtration whatsoever. These people I can't stand.   Tact and honesty are not the same as brutal ignorance.

    There are also people that accidentally offend, but they had no intention of doing so, I try to be patient with these people and reserve judgment, because we all slip up at some stage.

    The key for me is social aptitude, some people have it and some people just don't.  I think it can be learned and applied.

    If someone offers an opinion to differing to mine, I tend to just nod and be polite unless I believe what they are saying is harmful or offensive to myself or others, at which stage I might be ready to debate the issue.

    Yes, everyone has the right to an opinion, but whether they have the right to express that opinion verbally ad verbatim is another question altogether.

    There is a really interesting article on social aptitude worth a look here:

    I like it that we are all different, it stops me from being boring and stodgy.  Imagine eating only one type of food for the rest of your life...UGH!

  6. i think it always depends on what they're speaking about...

    i have a friend who never stops talking about herself..."i love so-and-so" "i went there last weekend" "you wanna here about my..." - shut up

    i have another friend who never stops talking...about anything. "my dog needs to go to the vet." "living out of home..." "relationships..." - useful stuff to know

  7. Want them to shut the h**l UP!!!

  8. I agree with you.  I like a challenge and I love to hear other people's opinions.   ;-)

  9. it depends on the situation sometimes i want to know and sometimes i don't

  10. I greatly appreciate honesty.

    Sometimes though, if it's with somebody who I dislike and don't really care for their opinion, I wish they'd just shut up.

  11. I appreciate everyone's view if it is their own.  You don't see much of that anymore.  There's too many lemmings going over the cliff for one man's view.

  12. I prefer that a person speak their mind than just another follower who do not think for thenselves.

    I agree 100 %

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